Ocean&Earth Surf, Sup Accessoires
Ocean & Earth was originally founded by Brian Cregan and Graham Williams and later taken over by Brian Cregan and Co in 1978th Ocean & Earth grew slowly through the establishment of a network of retailers in NSW & Southern Queensland (Australia). The first production was started in an old four-bedroom house and a converted shop. This soon changed, in 1986, a 500 m² factory was built, which grew at a greatly improved efficiency for the company, at a rate of 30-40% per year. From the mid to late eighties, the Ocean & Earth product range has grown significantly to the still to include a wide range of surf accessories, bags and a small selection of clothing, the backbone of the company today. 2010 has been the introduction of "world strongest Leash" (One Piece) - a fully formed surf leash made of a material that is contrary to the conventional three peace Leashes simple stable ist.Ocean & Earth since the leader in world surfing accessories.